
At AmbienTo Déco, the reutilization of old furniture and materials is of utmost importance to ensure nothing goes to waste. We make new furniture with low to no residual footprint, taking discarded furniture and giving it a second life. Taking the same approach as for our Eco-Shop, we aim to teach you the skills so you can do the same at home. Our objective is to inspire and provide you with the tools to create innovative decoration pieces with re-used items and materials.

Plus qu’une activité de bricolage, c’est une plateforme d’expression artistique eco-responsable.

Have you ever considered the amount of waste we produce without even realizing it?

It is an environmentally friendly practice that gives a second life to objects or materials that would otherwise be thrown away.

  • Raise awareness among citizens to become active agents of change in sustainable development. Create meeting spaces to socialize and transform waste into creative pieces.
  • Reduce bulky waste in our community, while increasing productivity and team spirit.
  • Learn and become familiar with electric DIY tools.
  • Include women and girls in this type of repair work and demystify the use of heavy equipment that is typically reserved almost exclusively for men.
  • Acquire DIY skills and knowledge.

  • Let me guide you in customizing an object using reclaimed materials.
  • Learn how to sand, upholster, drill, and screw, all with electric tools.
  • Paint using techniques based on your preferences and my advice.

Stimuler le travail d’équipe tout en faisant prendre conscience de la responsabilité environnementale au niveau individuel et collectif; créant ainsi un lien d’appartenance avec l’entreprise, …c’est ce que nous proposons dans cet atelier.

Strengthening bonds within teams and fostering co-construction: Human interaction with colleagues is a key aspect of creating a pleasant and effective organization. The workshop allows everyone to better understand each other in a different context.

Awareness of individual and collective talents & boosting creativity: Engaging in a new discipline allows some to discover new talents or uncover hidden skills in their colleagues.

Reinforcing alignment with company values and commitment to Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR): The workshop conveys a message about CSR, raising awareness on both an individual and collective level of one’s societal and environmental responsibility. It highlights issues like waste within the company and the tangible impact each person can have on their environment. The module will be tailored to align with each company’s CSR objectives, ensuring that key messages are reinforced with employees.”

  • Reducing waste… particularly paper and cardboard, while increasing productivity and team spirit.
  • Thriving collectively and developing a shared sense of enthusiasm through collaboration, while fostering creativity in a friendly and welcoming environment.
  • United by creativity, cultivating the drive and passion for upcycling as a team.

  • Pre-collection of materials: Staff collect cardboard packaging to raise awareness of waste.
  • Upcycling workshop: Employees work in teams to create artworks from the collected materials, promoting teamwork and creativity.
  • Presentation and sharing: Each group presents their work, shares their strategy and challenges, fostering mutual learning and cooperation.

Donnez une seconde vie à vos meubles, vos lampes, vos miroirs ou même votre cabinet de salle de bain ! Offrez-leur une touche personnelle.

Avez-vous déjà considéré la quantité de déchets encombrants que nous produisons sans que nous nous en rendions compte?
Est une pratique respectueuse de l’environnement qui permet de donner une seconde vie à des objets ou matériaux qui seraient autrement jetés.

  • Sensibiliser les citoyens pour devenir acteur du changement dans le développement durable. Créer des lieux de rencontre pour sociabiliser et donner une nouvelle vie aux vieux meubles.
  • Réduire les déchets encombrants dans notre commune, tout en augmentant la productivité et l’esprit d’équipe.
    Apprendre et se familiariser avec les outils du bricolage éléctriques.
  • Inclure la femme et les filles dans ce type de travaux de réparation et démystifier l’utilisation d’équipements lourds habituellement réservés presque exclusivement aux hommes.
  • Acquérir des connaissances en bricolage “do it yourself” ou “faites-le vous-même

  • Amenez votre petit meuble pour le rendre comme neuf ou je peux vous guider à trouver un selon votre envie.
  • Apprendre à poncer, percer et visser. Le tout avec des outils électriques.
  • Peindre le bois avec des techniques selon votre goût et mes conseils.
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